Dear men,
We are just overwhelmed! It’s been a year into Covid. We are all plain exhausted. In this Covid world, we are all workers, teachers to our kids, baby sitters, cooks and house cleaners. Pre-Covid, we had others helping us with some of these tasks. Pre-Covid, we had kids in school. Pre-Covid, being at work gave us some space and a mental break. Pre-Covid, just the act of actually driving to work used to create a natural demarcation between our work and life! All of that is gone today. Its all work and no play today. It’s no wonder that you, me and everyone around us, is just plain overwhelmed!
Today, on International Women’s Day, lets talk about the women in our lives. Regardless of whether they are working or not, women are the usually the primary caretakers of home and kids. Even amongst working couples, women are the primary caretakers of cooking, cleaning and homeschooling. With everyone being stuck at home, they are responsible for feeding three meals a day to the family; taking care of the house, helping kids with their virtual schooling and also doing their own work. With work and life boundaries gone, professional women, much like men, are working extra long hours.
It’s not a surprise then, that 2.5 million women have left the workforce. And amongst those who are still in the workforce, fewer women are angling for promotions. Fewer women are taking calls to change jobs which present career growth. Fewer women are actively pursuing growth opportunities. We are just overwhelmed. The women in these stats, are not “some other women out there”. These women are your wives, your significant others, your sisters and your mothers. They are your co-workers.
I’m sure you are dismayed at this data. Don’t just be dismayed, please. Take action! Please help the women in your lives, and those around you. How you may ask? By asking, volunteering and doing. If you are reading this, then take a short break. Reach out to your wife, sister or mother. Ask them how they are doing. How they are really coping with Covid and all of the additional stress. And then ask them how you can help. Volunteer to help them. Think about what you can do to remove one item from their daily to-do list? Can you take on helping kids with their school? Can you take on lunch duties? Ask them if they’ve said no to a growth opportunity lately. If they’ve put their career on hold. If yes, then help them get their aspirations unstuck.
Talk to your female co-workers. See how they are coping and how you can help them just a tad! Speak up for them. Advocate for their growth. Create a work culture where its acceptable for everyone to shut down their laptop in the evenings so they can focus on themselves and their lives.
Women are dropping from the workforce at alarming rates. Let’s all do our part to help women stay, thrive and grow in the workforce!