Our events bring a variety of industry leaders to share their expertise with our community. The issues we discuss provide the audience direction and guidance on how to tackle the challenges they are facing. Attendees for all our events are carefully curated so as to to create a safe space for our audience. Conversations at our events are authentic, vulnerable and have much needed real talk, with real solutions.
Upcoming Events
If you have set the goal for yourself to move up into a Director, Sr. Director, or VP role this year, this free virtual event is for you.
One of our Leadership Accelerator coaches and CTO of SheTO, Nidhi Gupta, will be covering details of the program, offering a teaser of how the sessions are run, and offering you the chance to have any of your questions asked about one of our most popular and influential programs.
Our next Accelerator cohort is starting soon and if you’re unsure if it will be a good fit for you or just haven’t pulled the trigger for any reason, then don’t miss this Info Session!
Attendance is curated to ensure the most impactful session for you. You must register to attend!
Past Events
SheTO Summit 2024 in the Bay Area.
Our Annual Summit is a one-of-a-kind, friendly gathering exclusive to women+ in engineering and focuses on advancing your leadership career.
Our flagship event of the year. SheTO Summit 2023, in person in the Bay Area.